LinkedIn changed my life - it can change yours too. I’ve written 300+ LinkedIn posts the past two years, building my personal brand through #morningswithmatt and reaching 1.2M+ across 70 countries. Here are five lessons I’ve learned from consistently creating content on LinkedIn:
Creating content online strengthens your personal brand and builds awareness for yourself and your organization. It’s a great way to meet partners, clients, investors, and teammates for your company. I’ve had job offers, speaking gigs, partners and clients come my way because they saw my LinkedIn content. So if you’re on the fence about posting on LinkedIn, remember that the worst thing that can happen is that people will scroll past your post. There is unlimited upside and you most definitely will not regret giving it a try.
I’ve met an amazing global community on LinkedIn. Three of my most engaged connections are from Kansas, Utah, and Jakarta - I’ve never met them in-person but we support each other’s content on LinkedIn and have welcomed each other into our communities. If you’re looking to meet interesting people and learn new things, creating content and commenting on posts are great ways to do so.
Sometimes it’s difficult to know what to say when leaving a comment on someone’s post. That’s why as an author, it’s helpful to end your post with a prompting question to help get the discussion flowing. This removes a barrier to entry for those looking to participate in the conversation and can lead to insightful conversations. The comments section can often be even more valuable than the original post itself.
You can’t go on LinkedIn for a few hours every Sunday morning and hope to grow on the platform. Your time is better spent showing up every day, even if it’s only for 15 minutes. The same is to be said if you’re trying to learn a language or lose weight - consistency is key. Writing two posts per week and leaving 5-10 insightful comments on other posts each day are great goals to set for yourself when starting out so you don’t burnout or get overwhelmed.
Writing LinkedIn posts has taught me how to write concisely. In a regular post, you only have five lines of space above the fold to catch the reader’s attention.
Being able to concisely convey a hook to urge the reader to click “see more” while balancing that with white space for readability has been a great exercise. I’ll sometimes rewrite a sentence two or three times to perfect the length and character count and avoid spillage onto multiple lines.
Posting every day isn’t easy. There’s often days where I don’t have any inspiration or motivation. That’s why batch creation is so important when it comes to writing. I sit down for 1-2 hours and create all my content for the month ahead, allowing me to get into a steady rhythm and ride a burst of productivity and motivation. This way, I can still post even on days when I’m busy or uninspired. If you’re running into writer’s block, feel free to reach out and we can chat about a LinkedIn content strategy for you.
Another lesson I’ve learned is how valuable repurposing can be. I can take this article and chop it up into smaller quotes for Instagram, posts for LinkedIn, or videos for TikTok. Why spend time recreating content from scratch when you can repurpose across platforms? Chances are, your followers on one platform aren’t as active on another so you won’t see too much overlap.
Final Thoughts
I can confidently say that actively posting on LinkedIn these past two years is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. If you’re looking to build your personal brand, grow your business, or find a job, creating content is the best thing you can do to set yourself up for success.
If you want to get started with posting on LinkedIn, book a call with me and we can chat through a content strategy!