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20 LinkedIn Post Ideas to Grow on LinkedIn

20 LinkedIn Post Ideas to Grow on LinkedIn

It can be intimidating to put yourself out there and post on LinkedIn. The imposter syndrome sends your mind racing:

❌“I’m not an expert” 

❌“What if I say the wrong thing”

❌“I don’t even know what to post about”

The reality is - everyone has value to add. You don’t have to be an expert - I’m certainly not one. 

You just need to know a LITTLE BIT more than the average person about a topic. And who better to share your personal stories than you? 

I've written 400+ LinkedIn posts the past three years, building my personal brand through #morningswithmatt and reaching 1.8M+ across 70 countries. I've had job offers, clients, partners, sponsors, mentors, mentees, and co-founders come my way. I've met amazing people around the world - some of whom are now my closest friends.

If you want to see results from LinkedIn, creating content consistently is a must. Here are 20 post ideas to get you started: 

  1. Share a stat/trend from your industry and your related experience 
  2. Create a poll to see what others want you to post about
  3. Share a selfie with a lesson
    Example post from Matt Parkin
  4. Share a lesson you learned the hard way
    Example post from Matt Parkin
  5. Share a failure you’ve had and how you’ve learned from it
  6. Share a takeaway from a book, movie, video, or event
  7. Share what you wish you knew before you did X (studied X degree, took your first role in Y industry) 
  8. Share a story about someone you admire
  9. Share an FAQ from a customer or friend
    Example post from Matt Parkin
  10. Share an upopular opinion you have
  11. Share something you witness (act of kindness, good sales pitch, loyalty program, etc.)
  12. Share why you pursued your profession
  13. Share a list of people you recommend others follow on linkedin
  14. Share a list of book recommendations 
  15. Share a strategy you use
    Example post from Matt Parkin
  16. Share steps you took to learn or accomplish something
  17. Share a motivational graphic or quote
    Example post from Matt Parkin
  18. Share 3 things to consider before people do X
  19. Share the story of someone you look up to
    Example post from Matt Parkin
  20. Share an article about what you learned from posting consistently for a month

If you’re looking for help writing LinkedIn posts or want an extra set of eyes to audit your content, drop us a note - we’re happy to help.

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