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5 Things You Should Avoid Doing In Job Interviews

5 Things You Should Avoid Doing In Job Interviews

Congratulations! You were invited to an interview for a position you’ve been dying to get. You do the interview, thinking it went amazing, but you then get an email saying you were not chosen for the position.
Could you have done the following?

1) Speaking negatively about your past employer

When you speak negatively about someone, it reflects far more poorly on you than it does on them. There are always positive things to be taken away from each job. A recruiter is more interested in knowing how you overcame challenges in a constructive way. They aren’t interested in hearing you vent, they are interested in why you are a fit for the job you are applying for, so the best practice is to showcase your skills, and when the stale, dreaded, over-asked question of “why did you leave your last job?” comes, keep your language and answer positive.

2) Answering Unclearly

Naturally, we want to impress the interviewer as much as possible, but sometimes, telling them too much can leave a bad impression and lose their interest. Take time and think before you answer questions and avoid bumbling to an uncomfortable halt; it doesn’t inspire confidence.

3) Getting overly personal

Oftentimes, you may get the vibe that the interviewer is very “chill” and that the interview environment is not as professional, however, don’t capitalize on this. But, a lack of personality can draw them towards another candidate as you want to also prove that you do have character. Therefore, finding the middle ground is of utmost importance.

4) Forgetting to ask questions

Asking questions illustrates your enthusiasm and interest in the position and shows you are genuinely passionate about the company. If you don’t ask the interviewer any questions at the end, it shows that you don’t know what the company or role fully entails. If there is time, ask questions related to the interviewer themselves; for example, “What was a passion project of yours at this company?”

5) Failing to follow up with the interviewer

Within 24 hours of your interview, sending a thank you email and expressing that you truly want to work with this company can really differentiate you from other candidates. When they receive that email in their inbox, it reminds them of your interview and is something they will keep in mind when deciding who they should choose for the role.

The Takeaway:

Nerves can get the best of us, especially in situations like these. This can easily cause you to do one of the above. However, one position won’t make or break your career, and I hope you can learn from these 5 things to nail your next interview and impress your interviewer unlike no other.
If you’re looking for help preparing for your next interview, check out our interview prep package!
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